SPOILERS THROUGH VOYAGER! Frank’s wisdom… loving a special woman



It has been brought to my attention that I write about the characters in Outlander as if they were real people.  I’d like to acknowledge this truth and maybe explain…if I can.  First, I’m not delusional.  I’m aware they are not real and totally the creations of Diana Gabaldon’s prolific imagination.  Second, I think my ability to write about her characters as if they were real people could be seen as a tribute to her skill. She has written characters of such depth that she has made it possible to analyze their personalities.  I’ve read some of what she has said about her writing process and I know that she “listens” to her characters. To say I am jealous would be a bit of an understatement!   They speak to her and appear to act out of their own values and personalities.  The more I write about her writing the more I understand how truly gifted she is and the more intimidated I become!  It hasn’t stopped me from trying to write, but wow…just wow.

Diana posted an article I’d written about Claire and womanhood on her Facebook page (how totally freakin awesome is that?)  I wrote about Claire being a wonderful example of a woman of worth and substance. Her acceptance of herself and all that means to her life is what I’m still thinking about today. Specifically, I’m thinking of her knowing she was meant to heal and her decision to become a doctor in a time when women just didn’t do  that.

Anytime a women decides to do something as monumental and time-consuming as becoming a doctor they must consider the cost.  They just do.  Fair or not fair, women have biological clocks that have expiration dates. Many women who seek extremely time-consuming careers choose to delay starting a family or know their choice will leave them with precious little time to be with their loved ones. It’s a no-win situation for women, as both choices require a sacrifice.

I find when I read Diana’s stories it is easy to make parallels with real life.  I have a cousin who obtained her dream job of being a college Sociology professor. Her husband worked in the world of business and finance.  Like many of us they started a family and balanced parenthood with full-time jobs.  Their second child was born and it soon became obvious that their newest had special needs and would require full-time care.

May we ALL..find a partner in life… like my cousin’s husband.  I’m sure they had exhausted all options and had finally come to the conclusion that one of them needed to stay home with their child.  When the time came to have “the conversation”, my cousin’s husband told her that he would stay home because, “I  just have a job, but you have a job you love”.  He understood the sacrifice would be too great for his wife.  I can’t even imagine her relief and gratitude.   In a society where a man’s job often defines him, this man chose to be a father and husband first. His insight into his wife’s needs and then…his actions based on that knowledge showed him to be a very wise man indeed.

In Claire’s case, she already has a child and a husband when she chooses to pursue her passion. Throughout the books, Frank is portrayed as the stereotypical 1950’s man.  He has bought into the nuclear family status quo. He has every intention of bringing home the bacon and letting Claire fry it up in the pan. She is taking up a study of medicinal herbs as a hobby to fill the void of no longer nursing.  We aren’t privy to any conversation that lead to this decision; we just know that it is true. Can you imagine Claire as a housewife only? Me either.

Outlander 2014

Outlander 2014

In Voyager, Claire has returned to Frank, but she has not returned to being the little woman.  She knows she is meant to heal and this changes everything for her.  Claire isn’t cooperating with the role to which she had been assigned. Instead, she is breaking the gender mold, pushing the envelope, and is wholly unapologetic.  His wife has returned, but she is not the woman he went on a second honeymoon with to Scotland. Claire is there in the 1950’s, but she left her heart in the 1750’s.

Upon her return, Claire offers Frank a divorce, but they are Catholic and have a daughter (Frank gets mega bonus points from me for loving this child). Given the time period and Claire’s resignation to her loss of Jamie, and the fact that Frank isn’t a “Cad”, they stay together. I can only imagine Frank’s consternation and frustration.

Frank…I’m still not sure I’ve figured this man out. In my opinion, he is one of the most enigmatic characters in the series.  I’ve run the gamut of dislike to pity to admiration with this man. And,…just when I think I understand him, Diana throws in a moment like the moment my cousins must have had…things have come to a boil and Claire and Frank have “the conversation”…

Claire is late coming home from the hospital…again. Fed up, Brianna’s babysitter leaves the child alone and Brianna goes looking for her mother. She is hit by a car. Thankfully, her injuries are not severe, but this close call causes Claire to question (I’m sure not for the first time)  her decision to leave her child in the care of a yet another stranger while she pursues her medical degree. The cost has become too great and she tells Frank she is going to quit. He could have let her. He didn’t.

“I can’t stand leaving Bree, and not knowing if she’s well cared for-and knowing she isn’t happy.  You know she doesn’t really like any of the sitters we’ve tried.”

“I know that, yes.”… he said, “But I don’t think you should resign.”

…”You don’t?”

“Ah, Claire.” He spoke impatiently, but with a tinge of affection nonetheless.  “You’ve known forever who you are. Do you realize at all how unusual it is to know that?”

…”No, I suppose not,” he said.

…”I haven’t got that, ” he said quietly at last.  ‘I’m good, all right.  At what I do– the teaching, the writing.  Bloody splendid sometimes, in fact.  And I like it a good bit, enjoy what I do.  But the thing is–”  He hesitated,then looked at me straight on, hazel-eyed and earnest.  “I could do something else, and be as good.  Care as much, or as little. I haven’t got that absolute conviction that there’s something in life I’m meant to do — and you have.”

He goes on to tell her that having her kind of passion is very rare and wonders if some people are born with that passion or just find it along the way. He also  feels the need to warn her.

” But Claire–“…”They paid for it”…

Claire nods her head in agreement and feels the despair of failure.  She believes she has made a mess of everything; her career, motherhood, and her role as Frank’s wife.  And then, he does the last thing she expects, he says…

“I’ll take Bree.”


I’ve always been willing to give Jamie the benefit of a doubt. After all, he’s an 18th century man and we can’t expect him to have the same sensibilities as a modern man. So, when Jamie rises above his 18th century upbringing, we are in awe and love him for his open mind and heart.  Why I can’t seem to cut Frank the same break is something I might want to take a closer look at.  After all, Frank is a man of his time period as well. We admire Jamie for his ability to express what he feels.  However, I was recently reminded that MOST men are unable to express their feelings as poetically as Jamie.  That doesn’t mean they feel less. And, despite Frank’s stiff British upper lip and his 1950’s male perspective (remember when he thought Claire did nothing all day because she was home with the baby?) He seems to do the honorable thing…often.

I would love to say that his choice was made solely because of his love and understanding of Claire.  That isn’t exactly the feeling I get when I read this scene. His wisdom seems tempered with reality rather than love.  He knows Claire is meant to heal and recognizes that life will just be easier for them all if he just steps up to the plate…I think. But, there is another side of me that says no matter how the choice is presented, he still made the choice and allowed Claire to be exactly who she is.  He overcomes his own 1950’s gender expectations and sensibilities. He loves her even if he does think she’s a pain in the arse. (sounds pretty familiar to me!)   It’s not easy loving Claire!  There is a price to be paid for passion and for loving a special woman.  Frank’s wisdom in this situation should be a lesson to us all.

52 thoughts on “SPOILERS THROUGH VOYAGER! Frank’s wisdom… loving a special woman

  1. Wonderful. Thank you. This is exactly how I feel as well. I aspire to be a writer in the not too distant future, and do feel intimidated by this level of skill and talent. Your words are also inspiring and I so appreciate hearing this kind of indepth and honest reflection. It’s a challenge at times to articulate the way I feel about these characters and the stories, especially to those who are just not fans (can’t understand why myself!). I too make parallels in real life. I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful long term relationship with a husband who treats me just as Jamie does Claire in so many ways. I feel bashful sharing that with people – they think I am delusional. But these two reminded me of that gift and how strong an enduring commitment can be. Thank you again for putting in words my thoughts and feelings about this legacy – theirs and my own. I appreciate it and look forward to reading more from you. Keep it coming…..

  2. This has given me a lot to absorb…thank you. I am a person that has had to reflect in my own life with this kind of issue. I LOVE my life & what I do, but do I have a child to make sure I don’t “miss” anything I’m “supposed” to do? Or do I let the pieces fall where they may & if I can no longer carry my own child, will I be ok? Do I sacrifice what I love and who I am? I know you never regret your children but sometimes you can’t win for trying, but it won’t stop me from trying. Thanks Beth!

  3. You almost make me like him.
    Tobias almost makes me like him.
    Actual ancestor Alex almost makes me like him.
    I feel like I get him.
    But I just don’t like him.
    (It’s the infidelity thing. From the ‘if during the war’ conversation, I didn’t think he was worthy of Claire).

    • Have you read any of the friend of Frank theories” on Compuserve? Interesting. The jury is still out on Frank for me! I have a feeling we will get to see the “truth” in next book. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part!

    • Shawn L. Bird, that just made me laugh 😉 I don’t even know about the infidelity stuff and it isn’t even really that I dislike Frank. I truly just don’t care about him, at all. In the book, or in the series.

  4. What, Beth? These characters aren’t real? They’re imaginary?!? I can’t believe you said that! (grin…I’m just teasing you, but it is hard to remember sometimes isn’t it?) Very interesting as always, good job!

  5. I think Bree was a revelation for Frank, and bless him for that. I agree that we must credit Frank with seeing Claire for who she needed to be, and stepping up. But I think Bree was the real reason. It was his only chance to have a child. And he did right by her. Because of that, I can’t hate him. But he isn’t someone I could ever be married to. Too many secrets and subterfuges.

  6. I’ve actually found myself wondering if any of my Scottish ancestors (McCormacks and McClures) who settled in North Carolina, ever met Jamie or knew the Mackenzies. Then I do a reality check and remind myself that all these characters came out of Diana’s imagination. In 60 years of being a bookworm that has never happened to me before. The woman is amazing! As for Frank, I never have really liked him, even at the very beginning I found myself wondering what attracted Claire to him. She was always soooo much MORE than him. See? There I go again…

  7. Evelyn Christian

    Beautifully said and I for one like Frank…feel sorry for him as the knowledge that Claire loves another man really hurts him…and he still stays and does the right thing..was a lot upset with him when he announced he was going to Britain and taking Bree… however.. can forgive him..thankyou for your thoughtful words..

  8. Harriet Weber

    Oh Beth, you always seem to know what is on my heart! I love you for sharing these things! And yes, Diana’s characters do seem real because she has chosen to frame them in situations that are real to us reading the books. This one is mine…and it’s so very envious when you read about Claire having a man who “gets” that! I have to work very hard at wishing for more after 36 years of marriage, and love your blogs as they help me sort through conflictive emotions that come up as the themes in DW’s books! Well done again and again! Thank you!

  9. elizlk

    Nice! I think the show has done a good job of bringing some of these elements of Frank back into Outlander, in a way they weren’t in the book.
    The only thing I’m still grappling with about your piece is the sense of paying a price for loving someone for who they are. I don’t think Frank, or Claire, or Jamie, or your cousins are “paying” when they are in a relationship that is balanced. When each of us gives and receives from the best of ourselves in a relationship, we become more fully who we are. I think that Claire and Jamie demonstrate that increasingly through the years. Some of us give to others through the world of our paid work, and others through our service in other ways. None is more important, regardless of how society puts a price tag on them. (And that’s a whole other blog post!)

  10. MarshaS

    Oh Beth where do I begin!! I really liked your post and Frank is as perplexing from start to finish..*spoilers* I have to say at this point in the story I wasn’t a Frank fan..I felt he was still selfish and did it for Bree..I do feel he loved Claire,as much as he possibly could knowing she still loved Jaime.. Then we get to the letter to Bree that she finds and it explains so much more!! So here is where I give Frank Kuddos for helping to shape Bree and giving her the strength she needs later on. I can honestly say I have *grown to like Frank* only through Tobias’ portrayal..I LOVE Tobias, and have since tried to watch everything the man has been in!! But I feel Jamie would agree that it costs to love Claire.

  11. If any of you watched Astronauts Wives Club, you would have seen this same struggle play out. This was very startling for me since I am just a few years younger than the original group of wives. Our minds have a way of glossing over many of those issues. At one point I talked to my husband about having a second child and was told no unless I would give up my business travels. There was nothing about his choices!

  12. BAK

    This was great insight into Frank – a character that I always thought got the shaft a bit. Not that he was perfect by any stretch but I think he deserves more credit for trying to make the best out of an awkward and hurtful situation.

  13. You are so generous and positive with your thoughtful and insightful writing – which I so enjoy reading… I had a problem with Frank and jotted down thoughts after reading the books. Maybe too cynical but…my OutLANDER thoughts on ‘him’:

    Frank – Man of 1945. Insecure/emotionally, chauvinist, self centred, work obsessed, older man marrying much younger and young, gorgeous woman. Typical uni prof with females and student fans who just adore him. Top of his game/field. And, he was involved in espionage work in WW2 so knew how to find info others couldn’t, and cover his tracks.

    F. can’t believe Claire would leave him for someone else. She was always needing to reassure him that she would be with him forever, loved him and would always come back to him…

    During war F. had affairs galore and highly likely, would continue the pattern – regardless of whether Claire had not gone back in time.

    He kept 3 huge secrets from her. 1. That he was unable to have children. 2. That he had discovered James Fraser was real and lived after Culloden and that his research matched all that Claire had told him on her return. He found their marriage certificate as I remember. 3. His number was up/heart condition.

    He was always insecure as far as Claire remaining with him. Brianna was his ‘safety ticket’ that Claire would remain by his side; just where he wanted her.

    He knew Claire’s stubborn disposition and if at some stage she decided to attempt to return to Jamie, she would. But, he felt that it wouldn’t be until Bri reached an independent stage. Had he discovered Brianna’s name somewhere in his research on 18thC, because he prepared her for what skills and danger she would encounter in 18thC.? Yes definitely, I think. And then, there’s the letter he wrote, found by Roger in the secret drawer of Lallyboch bureau.

    So: Perhaps his ‘saving grace’ – or, showing off how good a father he could be? A power play with Jamie – I did a much better job than you would have ever done and it’s me she loves as her father. An attempt to ensure the complete loyalty of one of his women.

    Letting Claire do her MD? There was nothing he could do to stop her as I think Claire would have found a way; and eventually, it gave him more time to father Bri and foster a unique bond.

    His decision to take Bri away to UK with his latest lover was it power play ‘timing’? Bri was on her way to independence and eventually it would have turned into me or your mother? Frank had ‘lost’ Claire. She was no longer the woman pre-stones who adored him; she loved another. He wanted to keep Brianna – nasty thing to do to Claire. Revenge on both Claire and Jamie?

    F. was jealous and possessive. Like Black Jack, obsessed with intrigue, discovery, breaking people and winning. Albeit couched under political correctness.

    But then there’s his health condition? Did he want to return to England to die. Was he actually going over there with someone? Did he just want Bri for company and he didn’t want to disclose to Claire he had a use by date?

  14. Patricia Hare

    Love all the different views here. Thanks Beth for getting us all to dig a little deeper into the character of Frank. I for one do not trust his character in any way and believe thar BJR is somewhere in a dark corner of his mind always, waiting to show he has the power over Claire and her life.
    Patricia Hare

  15. Hi Beth,

    Why you had to explain writing the characters as real people shouldn’t have been necessary but you did it with class.

    Your take on the Frank personality eval was right on the money, in this gals opinion, so thank you for putting it all out there so eloquently!

    You have a gift, writing is something you were meant to do so again, thank you!

    I continue to read this blog avidly and I enjoy every minute of it. Your insight gives words to my feelings so, for a third time, thank you!

    Your fan & follower,


  16. Jan

    It’s funny…..I have read the whole series several times now, and the more times I’ve read it, the more I find myself sympathizing with Frank. His best trait (IMO) is his fatherly devotion to Bree. At this point, I think he IS the best father for Bree. He was solely devoted to her; raising her was his number one priority, and he did a great job preparing her for life. Not that Jamie doesn’t love Bree; it’s just that, like Claire, he has another focus that drives him. He also didn’t know Bree until she was a grown woman; even so, I think Frank was the better man for the job. Jamie is a laird, a leader. Like Claire, he feels a great need to care for many. He has “many children” in his flock that depend on him and require his attention; a son, stepdaughters, nieces and nephews, and foster children. Frank didn’t, which made Brianna all the more precious to him, and allowed him to focus all his attention onto her. He’s the one that took her camping, and made sure she knew how to ride a horse and shoot a gun; preparing her for a future in the past. The strong and capable woman that Bree has become can be contributed to Frank’s parenting of her. As you find out in the latest book, he is always looking out for Bree, even in death.

    That being said, I do feel there are some unforgivable traits to Frank’s character. His treatment to Claire after she returns is (IMO) unforgivable. Instead of letting her go upon finding out she had fallen in love with another man (under circumstances that were out of her control), he selfishly keeps her by his side so he can be a father to Bree (his only chance for a child). He then emotionally abuses Claire by having numerous affairs over the course of their 20 year marriage after her return; her punishment for falling in love with another man. He finds out Jamie has survived Culloden, but deceives Claire by keeping that information from her; thus not giving her a choice to go back to the man she loves; very selfish behavior. In the end, Frank tells Claire he is leaving her for another woman and taking her daughter with him. IMO, he couldn’t forgive and love Claire after she returned to him, but selfishly kept her so he could be a father to Bree. Once Bree was grown, he was ready to toss Claire aside. Frank used Claire in the wurst way; I assume he thought Claire deserved it for betraying her marriage to him- his revenge on her. Jamie takes Claire back to the stones upon finding out the truth of her origins and her marriage to Frank; he gives her the choice to return to her husband. I don’t think Frank would ever have done that if he had been in Jamie’s shoes.

    I enjoyed reading your insights on this very interesting character:)

    • I enjoyed reading this and seeing where folks are coming from. One of the things that was pointed out to me is that Frank neither confirms or denies anything! Clare says he is leaving her for another woman. He doesn’t. Some interesting theories out there about what he means by “I thought I was discreet” too! Hopefully book 9 will clear a few things up! Thanks for commenting!

  17. Ellen Kelly

    Great discussion. I can give Frank some leeway in his difficult situation. To believe, or not to believe, and then to come to grips with his historical findings. I love the in-depth search for Frank here. The series is doing a great job to flesh out this part of Frank. So many readers can’t get past having Frank with a role in the next book….Frank is not BJR’s direct ancestor…I can give him some credit for his circumstances and relating it to the 50’s and post WWII environ give it some extra meat on those bones. I can’t wait to see how the Starz team brings it all together. And lets not forget how much concern Claire had for Frank’s continued existence if something happened to BJR. Keep the commentary coming Beth (and please share with the writers…..)

  18. It is funny, I have read many a comment on peoples
    intense dislike of Frank. People even want him cut out of the next series. It is all about Jamie and Claire.

    But here is the thing who says you have to like a character for them to be an integral part of the story. Frank is a huge part of Claire and Bree’s life. He may not physically be there but often in both their thoughts at differing times.

    I actually feel I understand Frank. He is probably the guy most marry, and be lucky for it. He becomes a victim of circumstance. The person he loves doesn’t love him, yet he so much wants the child. He wants to be the good guy. Of course he hates Jamie as does Jamie often at the very mention of Frank. He is in a loveless marriage, his affairs are a symptom of that. Until he finally gives up and wants to leave.

    We all love Jamie and Claire. Doesn’t mean there isn’t room to try to understand this other relationship.

    • Jan

      I agree with you one thing……you don’t have to like a character for them to play an integral part in a story, and Frank is definitely one of those types. But I will never like Frank’s character or how he treats Claire when she returns… I personally find his behavior extremely selfish. Claire tells him right off the bat she is in love with someone else and carrying that man’s child; she’s been gone for three years now. She is honest with Frank from the get go; better to tell the truth than live the lie. Frank stays out of obligation at first, but once the child comes and he sees it as the only opportunity to have a child of his own, he stays with Claire for selfish reasons. He uses the guilt Claire harbors for her infidelity towards him to perpetuate the lie that he is Bree’s natural father (a great wrong towards Bree and Claire IMO). Instead of letting Claire go to find love with someone else, because their marriage was virtually over as far as their feelings for each other are concerned, he chooses to take multiple lovers over the coarse of 20 years- deception, lies, and dishonesty. When he finally has found another that he feels strongly enough for to end his marriage with Claire, he threatens to take Bree with him, as if he really had any legal claim to her (this is such a dysfunctional relationship). He used Claire all those years just so he could have the child he would never have had otherwise. And lets not forget that he also kept the truth from Claire about Jamie surviving Colluden for fear of loosing Bree, and maybe Claire too.

      I think of how Jamie handled finding out about Frank after he rescued Claire from being burned. He could have felt betrayed by Claire-lied to in a since, but he didn’t. Instead, he took her back to the stones and told her to go back to Frank……he let her go because he loved her-a completely selfless act. Now compare THAT to how Frank behaves open Clair’s return…… and tell me if you still feel his behavior was honorable.

      • There are lots of theory’s about Frank and what he and may not of done including Diana’s reminder that we only hear Claire’s side and that she has selfish reasons for wanting to see Frank as a cheater. I know I had my eyes opened by some of the comments on an earlier article I did on Frank. I suggest taking a look at what other readers and Diana had to say on the subject! Very interesting. I think I entitled it Frank what’s a man to do

  19. Tina

    Beth, such a wise and thoughtful piece. and love everyone’s thoughts in the comments. i have the joy of having a Jamie for a husband, i had very specific traits that any future husband Must Have. and, of course He walked into my 17 year old totally unprepared life. i married at just 18, and he told me that he had achieved his dreams and now it was My turn! encouraged me to go to college and i earned a B.A. and M.P.A. while we had young children. then, i had a wonderful career that i loved…until at age 41 i became disabled and had to stop working. he has cared for me and loved me as i am for over 40 years now, i am so blessed. i was offered the chance to go to medical school when i was young, which i would have loved. but, like claire and frank, had to decide what that would do to our child. i made the decision that i wanted a second child, a sibling, and that i just couldn’t do med school and two children. am happy with my decision. but what to do with child care is always a concern, our daughter decided not to have children b/c of this concern. i think she will regret this decision, but it is their choice. hopefully our son will make us grandparents, as he just married. btw, hubby and i traded off going to school for almost 20 years. he earned a B.A. and 2 Masters, and ultimately became an elementary special ed teacher. we both achieved our dreams and now love retirement together. now i just need to recover a little more and we will begin traveling…first stop Scotland!! thanks Beth and Diana!!!

  20. How do you reconcile Frank’s numerous adulterous affairs following Claire’s return and the inference of an affair during the time they were separated in WWII? (see the book for this inference) Frank’s passive aggressive behaviors are very hurtful and destructive to both. I get the impression he rather enjoys punishing Claire. Frank’s behaviors with women in general are destructive and demeaning. Informing Claire at the last moment he is taking Bree and his mistress to England? His dialogue during that confrontation is very telling of his character.

    • I did write about this. “Frank what is a man to do” Diana also wrote that we need to remember we are only hearing/seeing things from Claire’s point of view and she has her own reasons for wanting to believe Frank cheated. There are a lot of theories out there that point to evidence in the books that suggests Frank didn’t cheat and that it was all Claire’s perception. Diana of course doesn’t say for sure if he did or didn’t. But she has said Frank is an honorable man and to remember Claire is biased.

      • jan

        Honestly never read Frank’s infidelity this way. To me, it was written very clearly that Frank did cheat on Claire at least after her return. Hearing it from Claire’s prospective doesn’t change that, and it was also Bree’s perspective as well- remember she mentioned finding a note written to her father by another woman which lead her to think he was unfaithful to her mother. Also, don’t forget these women would actually call Claire up asking her to give Frank up, at which time Claire would reply to them by saying, “I never asked him to stay.” That is not something you can chalk up to her “perspective”. Sorry, but Diana has a habit of writing ambiguous story lines and then backpedaling and stating that was not how she meant the story to be interpreted by readers. To me, Diana purposely “implies” Frank was unfaithful to many times throughout the story not to have readers come to the conclusion that Frank was most defiantly unfaithful to Claire. Which leads to an other question…… How can someone be considered honorable when they treat their spouse in such a dishonorable way? Personally, I do not find Frank honorable at all, but then that’s my perspective on infidelity.

        This opens a whole other can of worms….. I’ve notice infidelity within a marriage is an on going theme for Diana and this story. Honestly, I am under the impression being unfaithful to one’s spouse is something Diana feels is not a real big deal. Though it is the leading cause of divorce today, in Diana’s world it is something that is excepted and not even considered that dishonorable. Look at the many times it occurs in this story and with a number of characters, yet there is really no retribution for their actions what so ever, just acceptance. It makes me wonder about Diana’s own attitude towards cheating….Has her catholic up bring lead her to this perspective? Just a thought….

  21. Val

    I agree with all you’ve said, but there is one thing you haven’t mentioned that I believe is an additional, more selfish motivator for Frank. That is his desire for a child. Even though he knows she isn’t his child, he loves her as his own by the time they make this decision, and he wants wants to be her father in every way he can. I feel he is doing this more for himself, and for Bree, than he is for Claire. It just makes sense because of her passion and gift for healing to take this path. But I don’t feel he is doing it primarily for her.

  22. vicky kasel

    when Frank and Claire first visit the reverend they meet young Roger. Claire finds out he is a war orphan and adopted. She asks Frank maybe they could adopt and he refuses. Saying he could not feel for an adopted child as he would for his own. That sort of turned me off of Frank. I think he wanted Claire all to himself. He didn’t want to share Claire.

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